Right to Refuse Life-Saving Treatment

A 15-year-old girl has suffered from leukemia since the age of 6 years. She has had multiple courses of chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant, all of which have failed. She is constantly in hospital and as such has had a disrupted education and little opportunity to make lasting friendships. She and her parents have accepted that further treatment is unlikely to be beneficial, and she wishes to return home to die in peace. Her doctors are unwilling to accept her decision as she is only 15.

  • Should competent children have the right to refuse life-saving treatment?
  • Why or Why Not?
  • What part does the parents’ decision, agree or disagree, play in the final decision?
  • What part does the MD’s decision play?
  • What is the MDs obligation?

Apply Theory (Specific Professional Healthcare Competencies + Clinical Medical Ethical Principles) to Practice in order to provide Optimal Patient-Centered Care (OPCC)

Clinical Ethics and Law, Second edition. Carolyn Johnston, Penelope Bradbury, Series editor: Janice Ryme