Moral Status of the Fetus

A 39-year-old has been married to her husband for 8 years. Although they have both always wanted a family, she initially wanted to focus on her career and then struggled to conceive. When she finally fell pregnant, both she and her husband were thrilled. Unfortunately, following her first trimester scan, a screening test indicated that the fetus had a high risk of suffering from Down’s syndrome. She decided to undergo further diagnostic testing, and amniocentesis confirmed Down’s syndrome. The couple is distraught. They had waited a long time to conceive and wanted the ‘perfect’ baby to fit into their busy lifestyles. The mom does not feel she would ever be able to return to work if she had to care for a disabled child and thinks having to give up her career would be detrimental to her mental health. After much deliberation she visits her doctor to discuss termination of pregnancy.

  • What is the extent of a woman’s reproductive autonomy?
  • At what stage of gestation, if at all, does the moral status of the fetus limit a woman’s right to choose?
  • If their decision is not within the limits, what is your role, responsibility?

Apply Theory (Specific Professional Healthcare Competencies + Clinical Medical Ethical Principles) to Practice in order to provide Optimal Patient-Centered Care (OPCC)

Clinical Ethics and Law, Second edition. Carolyn Johnston, Penelope Bradbury, Series editor: Janice Ryme