Achieving Optimal Patient-Centered Care (OPCC)

Patient-Centered Care (PCC):

For health professionals, there is a set of core competencies that can advance adherence to the rules of a redesigned healthcare system.

To this end, we offer a set of simple, core competencies that all professional healthcare clinicians should possess, regardless of their discipline, to meet the needs of the 21st-century health care system.

All our programs uniquely integrate required professional competencies and Clinical Medical Ethical Principles which need to be consistently reflected in the daily practice of professional clinicians who want to provide OPCC.

Integrating Specifically Defined Competencies and Clinical Medical Ethical Principles promotes OPCC:

  • Attending to patient understanding and competency
  • Understanding patient’s quality of life
  • Identifying patient’s life situations effecting their healthcare decisions
  • Weighing benefits and burdens as defined by patient
  • Providing all options consistently for every patient
  • Working in interdisciplinary teams
  • Applying quality improvement
  • Utilizing informatics
  • Respecting patient autonomy

Impact of Optimal Patient-Centered Care for Organizations.


  • Improves patient engagement & satisfaction.


  • Creates a more satisfied workforce.
  • Lowers cost of recruiting, replacing and retraining staff.
  • Reduces burn-out and moral distress, improving retention of clinical staff.


  • Reduces unnecessary, unreimbursed readmissions.
  • Reduces patient errors.
  • Decreases organizational costs.


Phase 1

On-Site Program Introduction Conference
Theory related to Program Topic,
including Program Goals and Objectives.

Phase 2

Customized On-Site Demonstration, Assessment and Coaching
How you Apply Theory to Practice.

Some Healthcare Competency Program (HCP) Topic Areas

  • Preventive Care
  • Long-term Care
  • Hospice
  • Oncology
  • Pediatrics
  • Psychiatry/Mental Health
  • Acute Care
  • Home Care
  • Cardiology
  • Family Health
  • Geriatrics

Certificates of Completion

Certificates will be awarded to those who successfully complete both phases of each program.

About Our Program Writers, Educators, Coaches and Evaluators:


  • Are clinicians with advanced education in clinical training/care.
  • Have excellent communication skills.
  • Are committed to life-long learning.
  • Respond to innovations in practice and changes in the practice environment.
  • Are scholars in the development of the health care and ethics.

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Design, implement, revise and evaluate formal academic programs.
  • Educate and guide staff at all learner levels.
  • Provide leadership for implementing evidence-based practice.
  • Provide on-going consultation and support as a coach.

“It doesn’t matter what you’ve done
It matters what you choose to do from here.”

“One of the most effective ways to learn about yourself is by taking seriously the cultures of others. It forces you to pay attention to those details of life which differentiate them from you”

“No culture has ever developed all human potentialities; it has always selected certain capacities, mental and emotional and moral, and shifted others. Each culture is a system of values which may well complement the values in another”

“To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way that we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others”

“People of different religions and cultures live side-by-side in almost every part of the world, and most of us have overlapping identities which unite us in very different groups. We can thrive in our own tradition, even as we learn from others, and come to respect their teachings”

“If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you.
If you are willing to learn, no one can stop you.”