Breaking Bad News to the Patient Against the Family’s Wishes

Joe is a 62-year-old man who just had a needle biopsy of the pancreas showing adenocarcinoma. You run into his brother in the hall, and he begs you not to tell Joe because the knowledge would kill him even faster. The family made it clear that, if the team went against the family’s instructions not to tell the patient this diagnosis, the family will sue the doctor and the hospital.

A patient and family conference to discuss the prognosis is already scheduled for later that afternoon.

  • How SHOULD you handle this?
  • What evidence would you use to support your side of the dilemma?
  • What evidence would you use to understand their side of the dilemma?

Apply Theory (Specific Professional Healthcare Competencies + Clinical Medical Ethical Principles) to Practice in order to provide Optimal Patient-Centered Care (OPCC)