Request For Non-Therapeutic Treatment

Michael is 8 years old. His parents have brought him to see the GP as they are concerned that his ears are very prominent and stick out. They tell the GP that Michael seems very withdrawn when he comes home from school, and a discussion with his teacher alerted them to the fact that he is being teased about his ears – he is called Dumbo and Mr Spock. Michael is wearing a hat throughout the consultation. His parents ask whether a referral could be made so Michael could have his ears pinned back. The GP explains that this is a cosmetic procedure and that it may be better to see how Michael feels about his ears when he is older. The GP also informs them that as it is considered cosmetic surgery it would not be funded on the NHS. Nevertheless, they insist that something is done to stop Michael’s suffering.

  • Is it in Michael’s best interests to have a non-therapeutic procedure?
  • Should cosmetic surgery be performed on children?

Apply Theory (Specific Professional Healthcare Competencies + Clinical Medical Ethical Principles) to Practice in order to provide Optimal Patient-Centered Care (OPCC)

Source – Ethics Case Studies from Clinical Ethics and Law (Second Edition), Carolyn Johnston Penelope Bradbury