The Role of Domestic Violence in Surrogate Decision-Making
A 32-year-old woman was admitted to the Trauma Intensive Care Unit following a motor vehicle accident; she had multiple injuries and fractures, with several complications which continued to develop over the first couple weeks. The patient rapidly developed Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome, was on a ventilator, and was continuously sedated. Shortly after the patient’s admission, her parents were contacted and remained vigilant at her bedside. The parents reported that the patient was one month away from having her divorce finalized. The patient’s husband was reportedly physically and emotionally abusive to her throughout their five years of marriage. The parents had not notified this man of the patient’s hospitalization, and reported that visit by him would be distressing to the patient if she were aware of it. The patient’s soon to be ex-husband is her legal next of kin.
- What are the legal and ethical parameters?
Apply Theory (Specific Professional Healthcare Competencies + Clinical Medical Ethical Principles) to Practice in order to provide Optimal Patient-Centered Care (OPCC)