Use of Interpreters
A 40-year-old woman, has come to see you to discuss treatment for menorrhagia. She was born with congenital deafness and has brought her 16-year-old son with her to act as an interpreter. She lip-reads a little but feels more comfortable using sign language. The patient tells you that she has had enough of her heavy bleeding and she is keen to undergo a hysterectomy. However, you are slightly concerned that she also reports some inter-menstrual bleeding and you need to discuss your concerns that this may be something more sinister and that you need to refer her urgently for more investigations. You are aware both that this patient is relying on a non-medical person to translate your concerns into sign language and that the person doing the translation is her teenage son. He may feel uncomfortable discussing his mom’s intimate problems and worried when you start talking about possible tests for cancer.
- What could the GP do in this situation?
- What other scenarios can you think of where communication may be problematic?
- What services are available to provide support in consultations where the patient cannot communicate in English?
Apply Theory (Specific Professional Healthcare Competencies + Clinical Medical Ethical Principles) to Practice in order to provide Optimal Patient-Centered Care (OPCC)
Clinical Ethics and Law, Second edition. Carolyn Johnston, Penelope Bradbury, Series editor: Janice Ryme